washington, DC | bethesda, MD

therapy for creativity

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“Your life is already artful - waiting, just waiting, for you to make it art.”


Your creativity lights you up like nothing else does. It reconnects you to the deepest, most vital parts of your being.

But being highly sensitive in a busy world means you’re often overwhelmed and depleted. There never seems to be enough time, or energy, or courage to do the very thing that makes you come alive.

And that’s eating you up inside.

The truth is, while there are many sounds around and within you that distract and challenge you: underneath all of it lies your true voice. Healing starts with cutting through the noise, and listening deeply to what that voice is saying.

If working on your creativity feels self-indulgent, know this - there is nothing frivolous about reclaiming your life force, your very essence.

Through Therapy for Creativity, we’ll clear your creative blocks, transform overwhelm and paralysis into expressive flow and play, and reconnect you to the beauty and wonder of your inner and outer worlds.

“sensitive people are unusually creative. It can feel, at times, like too much of everything. But the beauty that can come of that energy, when it is channelled into a creative work, can be sublime.”


the process: Therapy for Creativity

creative blocks


Creative blocks can show up as perfectionism, procrastination, self-doubt, fear of failure, etc. We’ll explore what blocks are affecting you, and what life might look like without them.



Through various writing exercises, we’ll help you get past the critical mind, free up your creativity, and let your true voice flow through. This is not about being good, it is about being ‘free’.

creative story


We’ll delve into your unconscious through journalling and recording your dreams, so that you can access the deep well of creativity and imagination that naturally resides within you.

creative story


We’ll explore how beliefs and experiences have impacted your creative spirit and confidence. We’ll rewrite the narrative, and rediscover what makes you feel alive, passionate, and inspired.

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With both therapy and creativity, getting comfortable with ‘not knowing’ is what allows us to let go, have fun, and let the process unfold in exciting ways we could never have anticipated.

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Mindfulness trains us to be fully present - without self-judgement - so that we immerse ourselves in the creative process, can enter a flow state, and express ourselves authentically.

Creativity therapy is often integrated into traditional therapy, however, it can be also be the sole focus of counseling. Get in touch and we’ll discuss the best course for you.


  • Each therapy session is $260 for 50 minutes. Credit Cards, Zelle, and HSA/FSA cards are accepted.

  • I am considered an out-of-network provider. I will provide you with a superbill after every appointment which contains all of the information your insurance company will need to reimburse you. To find out your out-of-network benefits for psychotherapy, contact your insurance company.

  • I meet clients weekly for at least a year, though we may adjust this depending on your needs and progress.

  • I am based in Maryland, but all therapy sessions are held on Zoom for clients who reside within Maryland and Washington, D.C. I offer appointments from 9AM - 4PM Monday through Thursday. Get in touch to book a session, or schedule your free 15 minute consultation.