To you, My Finely Wired Humans

To you, who sees intricate interconnections between things; whose attention is motored by interest, emotion, and passion; for you who thrives on non-linearity, and has a keen sense for beauty, I invite you to explore the circling, cycling pieces of your mind, your heart, and your soul with me, and to have your words and stories be witnessed.

In this group, you’ll write your experiences of difference. We’ll explore layers of identity as a neurodivergent person. We’ll explore angers, desires, and fears. We’ll explore authenticity as it emerges at the nexus of our internal world and our relationships. We’ll explore how masking has helped or harmed you.

Ultimately we aim to transmute notions of difference as deficiencies. We aim to embrace difference, step into the world with it, be received as you are. We aim for you to arrive home to yourself.

i hope ‘writing as medicine’ will give you…

creative blocks


Pieces of writing that capture your feelings and beauty. Opportunity to sink your teeth into creative work and experience flow.



We’re reclaiming deep time. We’re creating space, presence, and less overwhelm.

creative story


We’re reclaiming power. We’re deshaming and celebrating the beauty of who you are.

creative story


Feel less alone with the pain as well as joy of being neurodivergent.

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An attitude of Self-Compassion. Reframe past shames through identifying the toxic systems that impact our sense of self.

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a roadmap

“A Roadmap to Finding Your Way Back Home:” insights, tools, touchstones we build throughout the group.

through our Writing & Discussion, we’ll explore:

  • Connection, aloneness, and love

  • Self-worth

  • Rejection sensitivity

  • Intensity and passion

  • Embracing the shadow

  • The burdens and gifts of your sensitivity or neurodivergence

  • Messages we’ve received from family, peers, and society

  • Non-linear time and Deep time

  • Masking

  • Play

  • Living with uncertainty

each ‘writing as medicine’ session will include:

creative blocks


We’ll create a container for our healing journey, reigniting a sacred space around creativity. Melanie will start the group with a meditation to transition from everyday linear time to deep time.

creative story


We’ll write about being Sensitive and Neurodivergent. We’ll write with non-judgment and courage. We’ll write to grapple with the myriad parts of our selves and lives. We’ll dive deep, following your unconscious, and whatever emerges from your soul.



We’ll practice deep listening, give and receive compassion and support, and cultivate deep connections in a non-judgmental, safe space. By sharing with each other, we’ll feel seen, heard, and less alone in what we carry.

meet Melanie, your writing guide


My own journey through the world as an intense, deeply feeling, human, brought me to writing as medicine. I started journaling and writing stories when I was about 7. From that young age, up until now, I feel so much better after I come to the page.

Writing about what makes my mind spin, what overwhelms me, helps those things become smaller, With my inky words laid out on the page, something gets released. I am clear and calmer.

In certain moods, when I’m writing poetry or prose, it feels not only that I am weaving my thoughts into language, but that the words themselves are entwined with my soul. Language is a vital way I connect back to the root of who I am.

As a helping professional, I’ve always been drawn to the creative arts as a mode of healing. Making art offers a space where we can dream, imagine, remember, express, rage, or weep. We can enter terrain just outside of our awareness, and allow what seeks to become known to emerge on the page.

‘writing as medicine’ program details

creative blocks


Mondays 3pm EST (75min)
March, 2025




creative story


$500 / 6 weeks


  • This is not the kind of writing program where we are working on creating “good” writing. There are no critiques. This is about exploring your own feelings, thoughts, and experiences. Writing is one modality that can allow us to access parts of ourselves in new ways.

  • Groups can be challenging in myriad ways for sensitives. This group is designed for sensitive and neurodivergent people to feel comfortable and safe. You can talk to me ahead of time to let me know any concerns you have and I will do my best to accommodate them.

  • The Group Program will run from Monday, May 6, 2024 - Monday, June 10, 2024. Each meeting will take place on Zoom from 12PM-1:15PM

  • Our live meetings will be 75 minutes/week, for six weeks.

  • I felt so seen from my very first encounter with Melanie - AP

    Feedback from writing program participant

  • Each session throughout our series was truly a highlight of my week. I'm grateful for the chance to learn from you and benefit from your tender help in exploring these deep parts of myself. - AP

    Feedback from writing program participant

  • This program offered me guidance in my journey and offered me useful tools. I loved receiving my "touchstones" packet as a tangible resource to return to. - AP

    Feedback from writing program participant

  • Maybe you have a creative project to share with the world

    Quote Source


Disclaimer: This is an expressive writing group designed to offer healing, insight, and support, however, it is not group therapy and it is not a replacement for therapy.